
Dera Ismail Khan, KPK, Pakistan

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct ensures that all students uphold the values, ethics, and discipline required at GINAHS. The goal is to create a safe, secure, and academic-focused environment for students.


Class Attendance Policy

  • Students must attend at least 75% of classes to sit for exams.
  • Absence for 7 consecutive days without leave will result in automatic removal from institute rolls.
  • Students with low attendance will have to repeat the course the following year.


Violations of Institute Rules

Prohibited Activities:

  • Participation in political or illegal activities
  • Sexual harassment or misconduct
  • Association with anti-student groups
  • Use of unfair means in exams


Indiscipline During Exams

  • Students involved in misconduct, cheating, or disturbing the exam hall will face strict disciplinary actions.


Deposit of Fines

  • All fines must be paid to the GINAHS Finance Office. Failure to pay fines may result in higher penalties.


Disciplinary Actions for Misconduct





Misconduct in class/lab

Removal from class for up to 4 consecutive periods


Misconduct in sports

Ban from games for up to 1 week

Sports Committee

Involvement in fights

Suspension for up to 2 weeks

Head of Institute

Cheating in exams

Expulsion from the semester

Disciplinary Committee

Riotous behavior on campus

Permanent expulsion

Head of Institute


Uniform & Discipline


Dress Code

  • For Boys: White shirt, gray pants, maroon tie, black shoes, black socks (white socks in summer).
  • For Girls: White shalwar, maroon kameez, white dupatta, maroon stoller, black shoes, black socks (white socks in summer).
  • White Lab Coat: Mandatory for both males and females.
  • Student ID Card: Must be worn at all times.


Class Timing & Conduct

  • Late arrivals beyond 10 minutes will be marked absent.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during lectures.
  • Students must show respect to faculty and staff at all times.


Medical Leave & Certification

  • Students must submit a valid medical certificate for medical leave.
  • Unapproved absences will result in fines.


Final Notes

  • GINAHS enforces strict policies to maintain discipline and academic integrity.
  • Students are required to comply with all rules and regulations throughout their stay.
  • Failure to adhere to these rules will result in disciplinary actions.